Tag Archives: how to make healthy vegan chocolate Chip cookies

Recipe Card for Cookie Mix in a Mason jar

Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe | How to Make Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

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“Fa la la la la
Deck the Halls with……
Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies”!!!!


Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe


Are you having a Handmade Holiday this year?

Handmade gifts come from the heart, and are better for the environment. 😉

This Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe is the perfect match for some handmade holiday crafting!

The holidays are close at hand, and this is good time to get started.

Show your friends and family you love them by creating a few handmade gifts
during this festive time of year.

As I was doing a little research in my Holiday Archives,
I’ve come across one of my favorite, simple handmade gifts,

A Cookie Mix in a Mason Jar


Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix in a Mason Jar


A Cookie Mix present in a Mason Jar is a Traditional handmade Christmas gift in some circles, but this year, make your Cookies with a new Twist!

Make the cookies Vegan!!

This Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie mix recipe is a delicious experience!

These cookies are Fabulous, and no one ever suspects that they’re vegan.

Perfect for those who are interested in avoiding animal products such as eggs and dairy.

It’s a great way to introduce someone to vegan baking, showing how them how delicious the results can be! Especially with vegan chocolate chips!


On with the Gift-making….

Cookie Mix in a Mason Jar

Layer your dry ingredients in a quart-sized Mason jar, tie directions to the jar. (listing the ingredients and cooking directions)

Be careful when you add the ingredients. Jostling it around too much will mix up the dry ingredients and will effect the pretty layers of ingredients. Decorate however you wish – painting with enamel paints, or a handmade label.

To make one gift jar you will need the following:

1 quart-sized mason jar
2c flour
2t baking powder
1/2t salt
1t cinnamon
generous 1/2c dried cranberries
1c sugar
generous 1/2c vegan dark chocolate chips
hole punch
gift tag big enough for the recipe and directions
yarn, ribbon, string, or twine

In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon.
Pour this into the bottom of the mason jar, tap the jar on the counter until ingredients are level.

By packing the ingredients firmly and evenly, you maintain the colorful layers.

Add the dried cranberries, pressing them down gently.
Pour in the sugar, using a spoon to smooth the surface.
Add chocolate chips to the top.  Close off the top of the Mason jar.

To create a recipe card:

You just need some paper to create a recipe card. Recycled paper or cardboard is great for this. You can use an old cracker or cereal box or paper grocery bag. Cut a piece to 3″x5″, Punch a hole in the corner, so you can tie it to the jar/bag, and write out your recipe.


Recipe Card - Healthy vegan chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe



Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

2c flour
2t baking powder
1/2t salt
1t cinnamon
generous 1/2c dried cranberries
1c sugar
generous 1/2c vegan dark chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Combine all of the ingredients from this jar in a large bowl, stirring well.
In a small bowl, combine: 1/2c vegetable oil, 1t vanilla extract, and 1/4c water.
Pour the wet ingredients into the dry. Mix until there are no lumps remaining.
Bake for 10-12 minutes, until the tops of the cookies are golden brown.
Yield: about 24 cookies

Use ribbon, twine, raffia or yarn to attach the recipe to the jar, and it’s a gift!

If you wish to make a smaller portion, you may cut the recipe in half and make pint-sized jars of mix!

Yum, yum!

Here’s a few products I recommend!

Vegan Chocolate Chips

Enjoy Life, Semi Sweet Chocolate Chip, 10 oz

Mason Jars


Ball Mason Jar with Lid – Regular Mouth – 16 oz

 Recipe Cards


Retro Aprons Recipe Cards


Good Reading (While Eating Your Cookies)


Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder By Joanne Fluke (1st First Edition) [Hardcover]




Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe | How to Make Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies



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