Tag Archives: you need a system

You Need A System | Why I Have H-eggs in My Refrigerator


Why I Have H-eggs in My Refrigerator

This is a funny story.


At least, I think it’s funny, especially since it didn’t happen to me.


I was just the witness.

Really. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen – up close.

We were sitting down to breakfast one morning.
I was having the last of the cereal.


My sister decided to have a hard-boiled egg.


She set out her plate, juice, vitamins, utensils, napkin, newspaper, paper towel for the eggshells.


She reached into the plastic egg container in the refrigerator, took out an egg and came and sat down at the table.

Holding the egg in her hand, she smashed it down on the table to break the shell and……


And… what


Of course!


You may have guessed it!



It wasn’t a hard-boiled egg at all!


It was just a plain old, regular non-cooked egg.

Smashed to bits on the kitchen table,
egg innards all over the place.


All over her.




Priceless. Words cannot describe.


I thought I was going to need to change my pajama pants…

Really, I tried to be sympathetic, but I couldn’t. I just lost it.

Laughing hysterically.

Eventually, she was laughing too. (Weeks, months, years later, we’re still laughing.)


You Need a System

So now, we have a system. When we hard-boil our eggs, after they have been cooked, given their ice bath and dried off, we mark them each with a little “H” on the top. “H” of course, is for Hard-boiled.Why I Have H-eggs in My Refrigerator


So as not to confuse them with regular, non-cooked eggs.


They are H-eggs.



Bon appetit!


~ Sister Chef #3





Original Source: Empower Victory Blog